Ketamine membership availability: 5 open slots for new members


Ketamine membership availability: 5 open slots for new members |

About ketamine

  • Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that, when used at subanesthetic dosages, helps relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD via its effect on NMDA receptors and neuroplasticity. This medication is not FDA approved for treatment of psychiatric conditions, but it has been used off-label with great success for several years!

  • Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with an In-Sight Psych Provider here (Note: this is a very relaxed call so please do not feel nervous!). Under ‘Reason for Consultation?’ write ‘Ketamine Services’. Your provider will instruct you on next steps during this call!

  • Yes, anyone interested in receiving Ketamine services (whether they have received them elsewhere or not) is required to have a consultation. Only after this will you be able to receive the Ketamine specific forms to proceed with registration.

  • It depends. Dosage is specific to route of administration, formulation type etc., so your dose could be different from what you were on previously. At your evaluation, your provider will determine your safe, patient-specific dose range, and the medication will be titrated as needed for effectiveness.

  • Ketamine Registration is a 3-step process after having your consultation call. There are 3 pieces of paperwork that you will have to fill out (which shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes total). Depending on how quickly you submit the paperwork, you can complete registration in less than 24 hours after your consultation call!

  • Ketamine administration schedule is 2-3 weeks on and 1-3 weeks off

  • Ketamine Initiation (Required): $175-215 x 1st month

    Ketamine Maintenance Membership (Optional): $75/month

    Ketamine prescription: Ranges from $50-$75 depending on what the pharmacy charges

    • 1 x 1-hr Psychiatric Evaluation Session

    • 1 x 15-minute Pre-Induction Session

    • 1 x 10-minute Post-Induction Session

    • Monthly 30-minute Follow-Up visit for Ketamine maintenance

  • In order to provide the highest quality care to our members, we have limited the number of patients we will accept for Ketamine services monthly. This allows for proper onboarding and monitoring of new and current Ketamine clients. When there are no open slots for Ketamine Membership, you can be put on the waiting list for soonest availability.

Ketamine Registration Process

  1. Schedule a free Ketamine Consultation above to learn more about this service.

  2. After your consultation, your provider will send you a link to complete the Eligibility Form.

  3. Once your eligibility form is reviewed and approved, you will receive an e-mail letting you know to proceed with completing New Client Paperwork and you will also receive the link to complete Informed Consent / Treatment Agreement Paperwork.

  4. After Informed Consent is received, you will be able to sign up for your Ketamine package.

  5. Finally you will book your Ketamine Evaluation Session which will be focused on setting goals for treatment, establishing your medication schedule, and setting up your follow-up appointments.