The Green deal

What you should know

No commitment

The Green Deal refers to our a la carte services for those who are not interested in enrolling in a membership plan. You have the option to pay for 1 primary session and up to 2 secondary sessions

Pay as you go

Once your New Client Paperwork has been approved, choose the session below that is applicable to you, checkout, and then book your session. The most you will pay without being enrolled in a membership plan is $330!


No clients will be allowed to book more than 1 primary session and 2 secondary sessions, and sessions cannot be more than 2 months apart. If you desire continuing care for longer than 6 months, we highly encourage you to subscribe to a membership plan today!

who can benefit

If you are are still shopping around for your ideal psychiatric provider and/or aren’t ready to commit to a practice yet, we can continue your mental health care in the meantime


Primary session

If you have never seen an In-Sight Psych provider before and you are not enrolled in a membership plan, purchase this session to book your initial evaluation!


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Secondary session

If you have already seen an In-Sight Psych provider for your evaluation / primary session and you are not enrolled in a membership plan, purchase this session to book your follow-up appointment!

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